I want share this testimony to give glory to God and to encourage someone. Truly He is mindful of us. The testimony is a bit long. I was waiting for the testimony to be complete before sharing but during the Thursday prayer when Pastor Opi talked about God raising advocates for us, the Holy Spirit urged me to share. A while ago, I applied for a job role. I had initially put my own address on my CV but it was laid very strongly on my heart to change it to my parents’ address in a different state which I did.

After some time, a date was given for the interview. My initial impulse was to call up people who could influence the process the Lord clearly instructed – don’t call anybody, trust me. My faith kept going up and down, some days I would make up my mind to trust God, other days I would tell myself that God also uses people. At a point I convinced myself that the instruction was from just me so I called my mum to make some calls because she had close relatives in key position who I felt could help and my older sister as well who had a few contacts. I also mentioned it to friend without making any demand but hoping the friend would read between the lines and help. The day I spoke with my friend, the Holy Spirit convicted and rebuked me quite strongly, I spent the entire night repenting and asking for mercy. I thank God for the privilege/ blessing of coming from a family that is saved (incidentally it was my mum that introduced me to when women pray). Even though my mum had agreed that she would call, when I called her to follow up, she said that she had picked up her phone to call several times but she just couldn’t. She said she was convinced that the Lord did not want her to call anybody over this matter. It was then I confessed to her the instruction I had received and how I had to repent for mentioning it to a friend. I then called my sister and asked her not to call anybody again. She asked why, after I explained, she said I should trust God so that all the glory would go to Him alone. An opportunity came where someone asked my mum to bring my details if I had applied but we decided not to send it. 

On the day of the interview, my heel broke as I got up when my name was called to face the interview panel so I went in with slippers and suit. It threw me off. After my interview had ended, I apologized to the panel that I was wearing slippers and they were all surprised and even had to look at my feet. They said they hadn’t even noticed. My testimony:  That evening, I received a call from an unknown number. The person on the line said he was on the panel that interviewed me. He said I had done very well in the interview and got the highest score. He then asked me if I knew… (he called my father’s name). I responded that he was my father. He asked other questions to confirm and then said he had seen my name on the list and was attracted to the surname but wasn’t sure and it was when he saw the address on my CV, he knew I must be my father’s daughter. He described my father as a good man and a true Christian who had helped a lot of people. He said that before I came in, he had told the other panel members that I was his person and that he knew I was sound because of my background and that they should score me very well, that I had to pass. While I was thinking of how to help myself God went ahead of me and broke all protocol to give me the job.



1 thought on “ANWULI”

  1. Amen.I have been going through the same challenge of wanting to help my God.This testimony has corrected my error.From today I choose to wait on God.

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