Date: Tuesday, May 5th, 2020
Bible verses: PSALM 127, LUKE 18:15, 1COR. 7:14, ROMANS 16:20, ISAIAH 8:18, GEN 27:38, EXO.20:12, HEB.12:11, PROV.13:24;22:6;29:15;17
- Prayers
i. The Giver of children, my Refuge and my Fortress, mysterious God, unsearchable God, the God that speaks and does change His Words, let Your name be glorified forever.
ii. Father, for giving me children and making me a mother, I thank and worship You.
iii. Lord, forgive me for any wrong action I’ve taken over my children, in Jesus’ name.
iv. Have mercy upon me, for any wrong confession I have made concerning my children, in Jesus’ name.
v. O Lord, give me the wherewithal to raise my children as Your heritage, let my hands not be feeble, in the mighty name of Jesus.
vi. Holy Spirit, arrest my children early, let them not be the enemies of God, in Jesus’ name.
vii. O Lord, let my children respond in faith to Your faithful call and let nothing hinder them, in Jesus’ name.
viii. Lord, let my children not be unequally yoked in their relationships especially marriage, in Jesus’ name.
ix. Holy Spirit, incubate my children with fresh fire, in Jesus’ name.
x. Lord, thank You for bringing me to the 5th month of 2020, in Jesus’ name.
xi. I plead the blood of Jesus on the gate of May and command it to give up my blessings, in Jesus’ name.
xii. By this communion, I decree that no one will tamper with the glory of my children, in Jesus’ name.
xiii. I plead the blood of Jesus over every seed of infirmity in the life of my children, in Jesus’ name.
xiv. Wisdom of God that surpasses all humans, come upon my children afresh, in Jesus’ name.
xv. My children are arrows in my hands, they will not be arrows to my heart, in Jesus’ name.
xvi. Every curse, evil covenant, and all inherited problems (from my side or their father’s side) passed down to the children, be canceled, in Jesus’ name.
xvii. Mention their names and bless them from your heart, in Jesus’ name.
xviii. I plead the blood of Jesus over my children, they will not be mis-directed arrows, in Jesus’ name.
xix. Father, bless WWP worldwide with uncommon children, in Jesus’ name.
xx. We put an end to the shedding of innocent blood of our children in Nigeria, in Jesus’ name.
xxi. Father, I exalt You for answered prayers, in Jesus’ name.
- Benediction and closing
Take Home Scriptures: PSALM 112:1-3;115:13-14, PROV.20:7, LAM.2:19, 2KINGS 4:1
Vision : causing a revival by raising a generation of praying women who are intercessors in their spheres of life.
The prayers is a blessing God bless the coordinators